Biovit L

Fodder antibiotic

Fodder antibiotic, which is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent in the cultivation and fattening of farm animals and poultry (dr. - chlortetracycline).

A wide spectrum of action on pathogenic microflora.

It is especially effective in an acidic environment.

Acts on most microbes, rickettsia, protozoa (amoeba, plasmodia) and some large viruses.


  • Prevention and treatment of diseases of bacterial and viral etiology.
  • Increasing the safety of young animals during cultivation.
  • Productivity improvement.


  • High efficiency for pasteurellosis, colibacteriosis, salmonellosis, bronchopneumonia, gastroenterocolitis, cholesepticemia, leptospirosis, necrobacteriosis and other diseases.
  • Contributes to the improvement of metabolism in young animals and reduces feed consumption per unit of production by 4-10%.
  • Increases the resistance of animals and poultry to gastrointestinal diseases.
  • It has a positive effect on the productivity of young animals and poultry.
  • Increases average daily growth of young animals by 5-10%, poultry - by 3-6%.
Multi-layer kraft bags with a polyethylene liner of 20 kg each.
Storage conditions:
12 months from the date of production in a ventilated room at a temperature from -20 °C to +37 °C.
Dosage of the preparation
species of animalrecommended dose per 1 ton of feed, g
Calves 1-6 months625
Suckling piglets625
Early weaning piglets357
Piglets 2-4 months250
Young sheep375
Sheep for fattening250
Chickens 1-30 days500
Chickens 31-60 days375
Young chickens 61-90 days250

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