Harvest Vegetable

Organo-mineral fertilizer

Harvest Vegetable is an organo -mineral fertilizer for feeding vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, cabbage, eggplant, onions, potatoes, carrots, garlic, beet, greens (dill, parsley, basil) and others, to form a powerful root system, stimulation of plant growth and development, which provides increased yields.

The composition of the preparation:
The composition of amino acids (22.5 g/l) and vegetable sugars (6.5 mg/cm³). Complex of biological -active substances of bacterial origin: phytohormones (auxins - 1.5 g/l, cytokinins - 0.03 g/l), polysaccharides of producers (not less than 1.2%).
Canister 1, 5, 20l.
Expiration date:
24 months.
Storage conditions:
Store t° from +5 to +25 °C in a dry, protected from direct sunlight.
list of trace elements g/l
the rate of consumption of the preparation
cultureterms and method of processingfertilizer rate, ml / 100m² (acre)consumption of working solution, l / 100m² (acre)
PotatoTreatment of soil in pre -planting cultivation or watering simultaneously with planting tubers200-300 10-15
Spraying at height of plants 15-20cm30-4010
Treatment before flowering
Tomatoes, peppers, eggplantsWatering at the same time with planting seedlings100-150/50l of water0.3-0.5l/in the hole
Treatment before flowering15-205-10
After flowering during the formation of the fruit every 15-20 days20-30
Introduction with watering (drip irrigation)2.0-3.0ml of the preparation per 1 liter of water
CucumbersTreatment of soil in pre -planting cultivation or watering simultaneously with sowing seeds250 10-15
Treatment in phase 6-8 leaves20-30
Treatment in phase 10–12 leaves20-30
CabbageWatering at the same time with planting seedlings100-150/50l of water0.3-0.5l/on the hole
Treatment in the phase of socket formation10-1510
Treatment in phase of head formation15-25
Carrots, table beetrootTreatment of soil in pre -planting cultivation or watering simultaneously with sowing seeds25010-15
Treatment in phase 4-6 true leaves105-10
Treatment in the phase of closing the leaves in rows15-25
Treatment in the phase of closing leaves in row spacing20-30
Onions, garlic, dill, parsleyTreatment of soil in pre -planting cultivation or watering at the same time with sowing of seeds 200-30010-15
Treatment in phase 4-5 true leaves15-205-10
Treatment in phase 6-7 true leaves20-25
Every 10-15 days (last treatment 10-14 days before harvest)
Preparation of working solution
Fertilizer is dissolved in non hard water that does not contain chlorine with a temperature not lower than 10 °C.
Before adding the preparation to the water, it is recommended to shake it.It is allowed to have a slight precipitate, which is formed during prolonged storage and dissolved when shaking or added to the water.The precipitate does not affect the quality and efficiency of fertilizer.
Fertilizer Harvest Vegetable are compatible with agrochemicals, biological products and growth stimulants.When preparing multicomponent tank mixes, it is recommended to mix pre -mixing to check the stability of the working solution.
The finished working solution should be used within 6 hours.
Instructions of application
Processing in the morning or evening, or in cloudy weather, at air temperature not higher than +25 °C.
Do not use in intense solar radiation, gusty wind, rain and during the loss of abundant dew.

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