Probiol ❯  Coccilad ❯ 


High quality anticoccidian polyester ionophorium antibiotic products Streptomyces albus.

Prevention and treatment of emeriosis.

Conservation and viability of young animals and birds.

Directional suppression of oocysts of coccidia.

1 g of the preparation Coccilad 12% contains 120 mg of salinomycin sodium, excipient and excipients.


  •  The preparation is active against all types of ameria, parasitic in:
    — birds, including E. acervulina, E. mivati, E. maxima, E. necatrix, E. brunetti, Eimeria tenella, E. mitis, E. praecox.
    — in turkeys - coccidiosis caused by infection of Е. adenoides, Е. meleagrimitis.
    — in geese and ducks - coccidiosis caused by infection by Е. anseris, Е. truncata.
    — in pigs: E. debliecki, E. guevardi, E. neodebliecki, E. Perminuta, E. polita, E. porsi, E. romaniae, E. scabra, E. spinosa, E. Scrofae.
  •  For the prevention of coccidiosis in broilers, the preparation is used from the first day of life and is excluded 5 days before slaughter.
  •  For replacement and industrial laying hens.
  •  Coccilade is used from the first day of life until the start of oviposition.


  •  The preparation is moderately toxic.
  •  Practically not absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract.
  •  Operates in the mucous membranes and submucosa.
  •  Almost completely excreted unchanged in 3-4 days.
  •  Use with other preparations allows you to use it for a long time.
  •  Does not have side effects in recommended doses.
  •  Optimally selected composition.
  •  Stimulation of growth and development of young animals.


0,5 kg/ton feed.


Multilayer kraft bags with a polyethylene liner of 20 kg.

Storage conditions:

24 months from the date of production in a dark place at a temperature of from 0 to 25 °C.

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