
The preparation Liasten prescribed as an immunomodulatory and hemoprotectant agent for:

  •  diseases associated with secondary immunodeficiency and leukopenia;
  •  chemotherapy and radiation therapy for cancer patients and patients with leukemia;
  •  acute and chronic radiation injuries;
  •  surgical treatment of oncological and other breast diseases;
  •  complex antibacterial and antiviral therapy for acute and chronic respiratory diseases.

The preparation is also indicated for the treatment of patients with leukopenia of different origin.

The advantages of the preparation Liasten:

  •  stimulates the work of all the main cells of the immune system (T and B lymphocytes, macrophages);
  •  enhances phagocytosis (absorption and digestion) of virus and baths and tumor cells, bacterial agents by cells of the immune system;
  •  enhances the production of protective antibodies (immunoglobulins) against foreign substances;
  •  enhances the cytotoxic properties of lymphocytes and other cells in relation to foreign bacterial agents, virus-infected and tumor cells;
  •  stimulates hemo-and leukopoies (the process of formation of white blood cells and red blood cells);
  •  reduces the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation therapy of tumors;
  •  improves blood circulation in tissues, improves healing of postoperative wounds;
  •  modulation of the cytochrome P-450 system.

Currently, a clinical study on the use of the preparation Liasten in patients with burns has been completed.

Read more about the preparations: