
Pectolytic enzyme

Pectinase (polygalacturonase, pectolase) is a pectolytic enzyme for the hydrolysis (splitting) of plant polysaccharides (pectin substances). These substances are usually found in plants not in free form, but in the form of a complex complex known as protopectin.

Pectin substances form a gel-like mass and retain juice, preventing its separation. It is especially difficult to obtain juices without pulp from raw materials with a high pectin content (plums, gooseberries, black currants, quince, etc.).

Pectinase is effectively used to increase juice yield and improve filtration during pressing, as well as to clarify juices and wine.

The main areas of application of the enzyme

  • Production of juices, fruit purees and jellies.
  • Winemaking and production of liquor and vodka products.
  • Production of coffee and coffee concentrates.
  • Production of pectin with low methoxy content.

Features of application

  • The dosage depends on the raw material and the technological process. Weighted average dosage of 50-100 g per 100 l of juice.
  • To increase the juice yield, the drug is added to the pressed cake and is allowed to stand before the final pressing.
  • Operating temperature range: 20-60 °C. Optimal range of action: 35-45 °С.
  • Working pH 3.0-6.0. The optimal range of action is pH 4.0-4.5.
Preparation form:
Liquid, powder.
Zip-Lock package: 1kg;
Plastic jar: 100g;
Plastic canister: 1, 5, 20l;
PET bottle: 200ml.
Storage conditions:
Store at temperatures from -25 °C to + 20 °C in a dry place protected from direct sunlight.
Expiration date:
12 months.

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